Academia Catavencu
(2007 iulie)
Academia Catavencu are site nou! Modul de administrare complex pentru satisfacerea necesitatilor redactiilor, Search Engine Optimization, elemente Flash, sisteme de votare si cautare.
Link: www.catavencu.ro
(2007 iulie)
Site multilingv pentru compania de asigurare si leasing Asitrans, incluzand script-uri pentru calcularea politelor de asigurare si al ratelor de leasing.
Link: www.asitrans.ro
(2007 mai)
Articole, stiri, imagini si mix-uri oferite de catre Vania, unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti DJ din Romania.
Link: www.vania.ro
BCUM Biologie Moleculara
(2007 aprilie)
Site al Bazei de Cercetare cu Utilizatori Mulipli in domeniul Biologiei Moleculare, continand o gama larga de informatii despre domeniile si proiectele realizate de aceasta. Versiune bilingva.
Link: bcumbm.bio.unibuc.ro
Facem Catavencu
(2007 ianuarie)
Jurnalele video ale tuturor celor implicati in constructia site-ului Academiei Catavencu. Sistem de tip blog pentru mai multi utilizatori. Un design de Cosmos Multimedia.
Link: www.facemcatavencu.ro
(2006 decembrie)
Site de prezentare al uneia dintre cele mai importante companii de asigurari din Romania, ce include: sistem complet de administrare, calculatoare polite de asigurari, flash, 360-degree view.
Link: www.omniasig.ro
Radio Guerrilla
(2006 october)
Web portal for one of the leading Romanian radio
stations, developed using an idea and design by Cosmos
The portal offers a wide variety of services, including RSS,
audio podcasting, custom made blogs,
existing forum users integration, live audio streaming, dynamic
image generation with caching.
Link: www.radioguerrilla.ro
ARC Recruitment
(2006 september)
Website solution for the recruitment company
ARC Business Solution & Recruitment. Offers a catalogue
of jobs and an user job application system, based on a custom-made CMS
(Content Management System).
Link: www.arcrecruitments.com |
(2006 july)
A construction firm website in three different languages:
Arab, English, and Romanian.
Link: www.aroconstruct.com
Lions Overseas UK
(2006 may)
Online presentation and catalogue of used vehicles
(mainly Scania and Mercedes-benz trucks) and cars for a company
based in United Kingdom.
Link: www.lionsoverseas.co.uk
(2006 may)
DENTATEK offers complete dental treatment. Web presence
for a modern dental clinic, equipped with last generation devices.
Based in Bucharest, Romania.
Link: www.dentatek.ro
(2006 april)
Web presentation for the Romanian public of a
fast acting and long lasting analgesic produced by Grünenthal
GmbH. The website is intended for health professionals only.
Link: www.zaldiar.ro
Agenda Magazine
(2006 january)
Online version for the printed Finnish
magazine. Agenda’s mission is to bring members
of international community to Finland and Finns who are bringing
them, closer together.
Link: www.agendafin.com
Car Sales
(2005 december)
An enterprise resource planning solution developed
for the car dealer company Business Development
Team. Technology used: PHP5
Preview: coming soon
PRO Leasing
(2005 november)
Web presence for the most important independent
leasing company in the Prahova district (Romania).
Link: www.proleasing.ro
Super Electronic
(2005 september)
Online web description of electronic components
company Super Electronic 2000.
Link: www.superelectronic2000.ro
The Harbour
(2005 august)
Flash actionscript solution for a Romanian restaurant.
Graphics by Q Advertising.
Link: www.harbour.ro
BDT Rent
a car
(2005 february)
Car rental website for Business Development Team
based in Bucharest, Romania.
Link: www.rentacarbdt.ro
Development Team
(2005 january)
PHP/MySQL web presence solution for one of the
biggest car dealers in Bucharest (RO).
Link: www.bdt.ro
(2004 september)
Small web description for local marketing company.
Link: www.mailers.ro
Bronec International
(2003 january)
HTML implementation on a Q Advertising
design for security solutions company.
Link: www.bronec.ro
DJ Allen
Flash/PHP/mySQL website for Radio21 disc jockey Allen. Now offline.
Link: offline